What is happening to our world? 世界發生了什麼事
A world of distortion. 扭曲的世界!

*Imagine the sky gray and black. * 想像天空變成一片灰黑
What if the ocean is spoiled and mad? 假設大海腐臭怒吼
Why must the heart be cold and sad? 為何人心竟成冷漠哀痛
The world wasn't meant for that. 世界本不應如此模樣

What if the sky isn't blue? 倘若天空不再蔚藍
And water loses its hue. 綠水失去色彩
Withered trees fill our sight, 滿眼皆是枯樹
And mountains lose its might. 青山不復雄偉
What if earth is no longer green, 大地不再蒼鬱
And grasses are never seen. 如茵綠草不復得見

If the world is filled with crime. 若社會充滿犯罪
No one cares to share their time. 無人願再付出時間奉獻
Love that's never being revealed on time. 愛,將永不再顯露
What if violence flood the world? 若暴力氾濫全球
Morals gone and disappear. 道德泯滅
The heart in everyone has died. 良心將消逝無蹤

Distortion! 扭曲了
Distortion! 扭曲了
Distortion!* 扭曲了*

If the ozone disappears, 如果臭氧層消失
If all creatures loose their home, 如果一切生物找不到家
Where will this lead the fate of life? 我們的世界會如何?
What if we don't realize, 如果我們未曾查覺
All that we have denied? 我們所否認的一切
If we never come to sacrifice. 如果我們永遠不懂得奉獻

Distortion! 扭曲了
Distortion! 扭曲了
Distortion! 扭曲了

See also:

Dixie Chicks earl's gotta die Lyrics
Anna inspi Black Stone SLAP THAT NAUGHTY BODY Lyrics