Yasunori Mitsuda The Miracle Lyrics

Laudate Dominum meum
corde voto Deo toto

Psallam Patrem nostrum
quamdiu fuero

Laudate Dominum meum
corde voto Deo toto

Pax in nomine Domini
Dominus tecum

Ecce vos omnes felicis
Coelestria, terrestria,
Mundum replens laetitia,
Rex omnipotens.

Gloria Patriae et Filio, Da pacem.
Gloria Patriae et Filio, Da pacem.
Sicut erat in principio, et nunc
et semper, et in saecula saeculorum
Magnificat anima mea Pacem.

English translation:

Praise my lord
I forbid my whole heart with God

I sing psalms to our God
I will be forever

Praise my lord
I forbid my whole heart with God

Peace in the name of the Lord
The Lord be with you

Hark all you of luck
by heavens, by land,
filling the world with happiness,
the king all-powerful.

Glory to the father and son, give peace
Glory to the father and son, give peace
Just as was in the beginning, and now
and always, and in the age of ages
My soul praises Peace.

See also:

Indochine Tant de Poussière Lyrics
Newsboys John Woo Lyrics