Lacni Franz Lacni Franz Lyrics

V naši mali ulici mlad fant živi,
res nedolžno te pogleda s temi nemškimi očmi.
Ko je bil še majhen, Franci so ga klicali,
a zdaj ko velik je pijanc,
mu pravijo Lačni Franz.

Nekoč je v naši mali ulici padel motorist.
Miličniki so poiskali krivca,
no takrat je mali Franc postal s_____.

Prepoln avtobus je njegova specialiteta.
Z užitkom starim babam je po nogah hodil,
potem pa milo rekel: "Oprosti, teta."

Med kosilom je natrosil poper v sol,
za nameček pa nažagal še kakšen stol.
Mačke v pralnem stroju, miličnik v toasterju.
A A A A A A A A A A ...

Prepoln avtobus je njegova specialiteta.
Z užitkom starim babam je po nogah hodil,
potem pa milo rekel: "Oprosti, teta."

Na plotu luknja in napis: "Poglej skozi!"
Na drugi strani Franz je stal
s krvavo žico v roki.
I can ever forget
your torso to the slope
steel tendon Gorenjska eagle.
look who wins,
heroes mountain tea.

In your mid-term time
my cultural catharsis,
and the first word of the youngest Slovenian
should not be the mother,
but RC Elan.

And shot in silence,
forecasting is our poet.
Now we increase the beaker and eat "ducks"
All along the route cheerful jodlamo:
"Nothing we did not fear
if skiers with us. "

Our joy blontno
We heated homes,
in the hearts of the summer and snow on the screen
Alliance is good, a little
and will really go.
Today at one o'clock in the afternoon
has fallen and lying
somewhere at the beginning of the second run
a hero among heroes
the door number thirteen.

You can obrišeš nose in my shirt, my dear,
I can not look at your watery eyes.

See also:

Daughtry Daughtry - 02 - Used To Lyrics
Rashed El Majed Saber Lyrics