Newbie - Where are you from? Lyrics

A 他是美国人吗?
tā shì Měiguórén ma?
Is he American?
B 不是,他是英国人。
bù shì, tā shì Yīngguórén.
No, he's British.
A 他很忙吗?
tā hěn máng ma?
Is he very busy?
B 对,他很忙。
duì, tā hěn máng.
Yes, he's very busy.

Key Vocabulary
是 shì to be
美国人 Měiguórén American person
不 bù not
英国人 Yīngguórén British person
很 hěn very
忙 máng busy
Supplementary Vocabulary
国家 guójiā country
哪国 nǎ guó which country
哪国人 nǎ guó rén people of which country
中国人 zhōngguórén Chinese person
美国人 měiguórén American person
法国人 fǎguórén French person
德国人 déguórén German person
韩国人 hánguórén Korean person
加拿大人 jiānádàrén Canadian
新加坡人 xīnjiāpōrén Singaporean
澳大利亚人 àodàlìyàrén Australian
来自 láizì to come from
哪里 nǎli where
从哪里来 cóng nǎli lái to come from where

See also:

Ângela Rô Rô Mares da Espanha Lyrics
Ângela Rô Rô Minha mãezinha Lyrics