When 1 Lyrics

Number 1 When will she leave for Canada?
A.It's at the airport.
B. She'll fly on the 4th.
C. She left last Sunday.
Number 2. When will the party begin?
A. At 8 o'clock, I think.
B.It will be held in the main hall.
C. I love parties very much.
Number 3. When is Mr. Smith scheduled to return from France?
A. He's going on a business trip to France.
B. He'll be back on the 19th.
C. He has a busy schedule.
Number 4. When did he get promoted to manager?
A. It's because of his great work.
B. It was about two years ago.
C. She married her manager in 2009.
Number 5.When is the deadline for the report?
A. Remember your deadline!
B. I have to write a report once a month.
C.Next Monday, at the latest.
Number 6.When was the company picnic last year?
A. I don't have any.
B. At the end of May.
C. We like going on a picnic.
Number 7. When do you need the detailed plan?
A. The plan is very detailed.
B. I need it by tomorrow afternoon.
C. I don't like the handwriting.
Number 8. When will he be present at the office?
A. He's not in his office now.
B. This is the present for him.
C. In about 30 minutes.
Number 9. When will Mr. Jones return from Poland?
A. He returned from a business trip to Poland.
B. He left on the 28th.
C. Maybe Friday, I'm not sure.
Number 10. When are you going to submit your proposal?
A. I have just completed it.
B. By the middle of next month.
C. It takes my time.

See also:

Bird เถียงกันทำไม Lyrics