³ÂС´º 06 - 0932 Lyrics


I know you want me to do as you want
I know you want to throw tantrum to me
我知道你要給我這種那種 I DON'T WANNA被搜尋
I know you want to give me this and that, I don't wanna be searched

You know I want to tell you all the talks
You know I want to act sweet for you
你知道我要給你這種那種 I DON'T WANNA被設定
You know I want to give you this and that, I don't wanna be set up

@0932313 我愛你 是不是你真的沒開機
0932313 I love you, did you really not switch on your cell phone?
有沒有看到我傳的短訊 是否應該刪除你的記憶
Have you seen the text message I sent? Or you should delete your memory?
0932想一想 我愛你 你不會狠心到又關機
0932 Remember that I love you, you won't be so cruel to switch off your phone.
看著彩色螢幕沒反應 最怕就是沒有一格收訊
Looking at the color screen without response, I fear that there's no message coming in.

Repeat #

會議中不敢轉成靜音 就怕在第一時間 漏掉你的消息
I don't dare to turn it to silent mode during meeting, because I'm scared that I can't see your message as soon as possible.
熱戀中多少濃情蜜意 那些儲存的訊息 每一個字都讓人痛心
How sweet it is when we were deeply in love, every word in those saved messages is hurting me.

Repeat @

0932想一想我愛你 你是真的狠下心關機
0932 Remember that I love you, you won't be so cruel to switch off your phone.
看著彩色螢幕沒反應 也許應該刪除我的記憶
Looking at the color screen without response, maybe I should delete my memory.

See also:

陈奕迅 18.我不好爱 Lyrics
Mya lights go off Lyrics