Cristina Aguilera I'm OK (Estoy Bien) Lyrics

Once upon a time there was a girl
[Habia Una Vez Una Niña]
In her early years she had to learn
[Que a pricipios de su vida tuvo que aprender]
How to grow up living in a war that she called home
[Como crecer viviendo dentro de una guerra llama hogar]
Never know just where to turn for shelter from the storm
[Nunca supo a donde ecudir por refugio ante la tormenta]

Hurt me to see the pain across my mother's face
[Me dolia ver el dolor atravez de la cara de mi madre]
Everytime my father's fist would put her in her place
[Cada ves que los puños de mi padre la ponian en su lugar]
Hearing all the yelling, I would cry up in my room
[Escuchando todos los grito me hiba a llorar a mi cuarto]
Hoping it would be over soon
[Esperando que terminiara p___to]

Bruises fade father, but the pain remains the same
[El daño acongoja a mi padre, pero el daño es el mismo]
And I still remember how you kept me so afraid
[Todavia recurdo com me tenias asutada]
The strength is my mother, for all the love she gave
[Mi fuerza es mi madre por todo el amor que me dio]
Every morning that I wake, I look back at yesterday
And I'm Ok
[Cade mañana que despierto miro al ayer... y estoy bien]

I often wonder why I've carried all this guilt
[Muchas veces me pregunto por que esta culpa]
When it's you that helped me put up all these walls
I've built
[Cuando eres tu el que me ayudo a poner todas estas paredes que construi]
Shadows stir at night through a crack in the door
[Las sombras atravez de la puesta me hacen recordar]
The echoes of a broken child screaming please no more
[El eco de una niña gritando, no mas, por favor]
Daddy don't you understand the damage you have done?
[Papi, no entiendes el daño que has hecho]
For you it's just a memory but for me it still lives on
[Para ti es solo un recuerdo, pero para mi sigue presente]

Bruises fade father, but the pain remains the same
[El daño acongoja a mi padre, pero el daño es el mismo]
And I still remember how you kept me so, so afraid
[Todavia recurso como me tenias asustada]
The strength is my mother, for all the love she gave
[Mi fuerza es mi madre por todo el amor que me dio]
Every morning that I wake, I look back at yesterday
[Cada mañana que despierto miro al ayer]

It's not so easy to forget
[No es tan facil olvidar]
All the marks you left along her neck
[Todas las lineas que dejaste alrededor de su cuello]
When I was thrown against cold stairs
[Y cuando me aventabas hacia las frias escaleras]
And everyday im afraid to come home in fear of what i might see NEXT
[De volver a casa asustada de todo lo que podria ver]

Bruises fade father but the pain remains the same
[El daño cacongoja a mi padre pero el daño es el mismo]
And I still remember how you kept me so afraid
[Todavia recuerdo como me tenias asustada]
The strength is my mother for all the love you gave
[Mi fuerza es mi madre por todo el amor que me dio]
Every morning that I wake, I look back at yesterday
[Cada mañana que despierto miro al ayer]
And I'm ok
[...Y Estoy Bien]
I'm okay

See also:

Marilyn Llora Corazon Lyrics
Best Acoustic Placebo - This picture Lyrics