whalehunt2 Lyrics

j__an resumed its annual whale hunt last week after it was disrupted in mid-January by anti-whaling protests, including the boarding of one of its ships by two activists from the militant Sea Shepherd Conservation Society.

But low fuel forced boats from Sea Shepherd and Greenpeace to return to port to refuel and only the customs vessel, the Oceanic Viking, is now tracking the whalers, who have a target of around 1,000 whales this southern summer.

The government is considering using its evidence in one of two international legal forums - the International Court of Justice in The Hague or the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea.

The International Fund for Animal Welfare (Ifaw) said j__an's whaling programme breaches several international conventions and legal action could be quickly set in motion.

"The International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea could be called upon to issue an injunction to stop the j__anese whalers in as little as 14 days," legal expert Tim Stephens said in a statement issued by Ifaw.

Greenpeace Australia-Pacific chief Steve Shallhorn said the pictures showed the world that the j__anese fleet was killing whales in a globally recognised sanctuary and did not care if they were mothers or infants.

"Now that the Australian government has its own evidence of the whale hunt, we expect this to spur them to action at the International Whaling Commission and beyond," Shallhorn said.

The Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary was proclaimed by the International Whaling Commission in 1994.

disrupted - prevented from continuing in a normal way ขัดขวาง
boarding - getting on a ship, an aircraft, bus, etc. ลงเรือ
activists - people who take part in activities that are intended to achieve political or social changes, especially someone who is a member of an organisation นักปฏิวัติทางสังคม
militant - using extreme or sometimes violent methods to achieve political or social change ใข้กำลังหรือวิธีการรุนแรงในการต่อสู้
target - a level or situation that you intend to achieve; an aim or goal เป้าหมาย
forums - organised meetings where people discuss things การอถิปราย
breach - to break a law, rule or agreement ละเมิดกฎหมาย
conventions - formal agreements between governments of different countries สนธิสัญญา
issue (verb) - to announce something or give something to people officially ออกคำสั่ง
injunction - an order from a court that prevents someone from doing something คำสั่งห้ามจากศาล
fleet - a group of boats, planes, or trains กองเรือ
globally - worldwide; throughout the world ทั่วโลก
sanctuary - a special area where animals live in a natural environment protected from people เขตอนุรักษ์สัตว์
infants - babies or very young children or animals ทารก
spur - to cause or encourage someone to do something กระตุ้น ก่อให้เกิด
proclaimed - announced officially ประกาศอย่างเป็นทางการ

Posted by Terry Fredrickson at 09:02 AM

See also:

whalehunt1 Lyrics
25 Baby rasta Siente Miedo Lyrics