Oklahoma I'm just a girl who can't say no Lyrics

It ain't so much a question of not knowin' what to do
I knowed what's right and wrong since I been ten
I heared a lot of stories --and I reckon they're true--
About how girls are put upon by men.
I know I mustn't fall into the pit,
But when I'm with a feller...
I fergit!

I'm jist a girl who cain't say no,
I'm in a turrible fix.
I always say, come on, let's go--
Just when I orta say nix!
When a person tries to kiss a girl,
I know she orta give his face a smack.
But as soon as someone kisses me...
I somehow sorta wanna kiss him back!
I'm jist a fool when lights're low,
I cain't be prissy and quaint--
I ain't the type what can faint--
How can I be what I aint?
I caint' say no!

I'm jist a girl who cain't say no,
Cain't seem to say it at all.
I hate to disserpoint a beau
When he is payin' a call.
For a while I act refined and cool,
A-settin' on my velveteen settee--
Then I think of that ol' golden rule...
And do fer him what he would do fer me!
I cain't resist a romeo in a sombrero and chaps--
Soon as I sit in their laps--
Sumpthin' inside of me snaps!
I cain't say no!

See also:

Blue Feat. Elton John Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Wor Lyrics
EA Trax DUNE A Blast Beat Lyrics