TextAloud: ScanSoft Daniel22 Transmit a document for review,correction or other action Lyrics

Transmit a document for review , correction or other action

Letter #1:
Per your request, I have enclosed a rough draft of the advertising proposal. It is always nice to get a second opinion before the final draft is printed so I welcome any suggestions you may have.

As our client has requested the proposal by April 15, 2002, I need your feedback by April 1, in order to include your ideas in the final draft. Thank you for your concern and a__istance.

Letter #2:
I am enclosing a copy of the lease agreement I have written for the Doe condominiums. Please edit it for completeness and grammatical correctness and return it to me by Tuesday. Thank you for your help.

Letter #3:
Attached are the minutes of our last agency meeting. Please review them for accuracy, note any changes you would make, and sign in the s___e provided. I need the minutes on my desk by 4:00 p.m. Friday. I appreciate your insights and suggestions.

1. Attached is a copy of the final Smith contract for your initials.

In response to recent litigation, we have developed a new company policy concerning s__ual harassment. The policy statement is attached to this letter.

Enclosed in this package you will find the Employee Handbook, which discusses general company policies and benefits.

We have made the changes you requested in the new training manual and have corrected the spelling and punctuation errors. It is now ready for final approval before going to the press.

Attached for your information is a copy of the Smith contract that we recently negotiated.

2. Please circulate this policy in the accounting department for everyone to read. After you have read it, sign after your name on the last page and pass it to the next person on the list.

I need you to initial the contract in the box on the last page.

I am sending this document for your information only. No action is required on your part.

Please read the handbook and become familiar with company policies, especially the "no tolerance" policies, for which employees can be immediately terminated.

Having made all the changes you requested in the previous draft, we are now ready for you to check the work and give it your final approval.

3. Thanks for checking the document for me. If you can return it to me by the end of the week, I will appreciate it very much.

After everyone has signed the policy, please carry it back to my office personally. I would like to have it by the end of the week.

Thanks for taking care of this for me.

I know this is inconvenient, but it really needs to be done as quickly as possible.

Thanks for your helpful comments and suggestions.

The legal department has made it clear that individuals violating the "no tolerance" rules will be terminated. Please, therefore, be sure that you read and understand the policy. If you have questions or concerns, contact my office or the legal department.

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