Carl Orff Cour D'Amours: Amor Volat Undique Lyrics


Amor volat undique, Cupid flies everywhere
captus est libidine. seized by desire.
Iuvenes, iuvencule Young men and women
coniunguntur merito. are rightly coupled.


Siqua sine socio, The girl without a lover
caret omni gaudio; misses out on all pleasures,
tenet noctis infima she keeps the dark night
sub intimo hidden
cordis in custodia: in the depth of her heart;

fit res amarissima. it is a most bitter fate


Amor zboara pretutindeni

Amor zboara pretutindeni; prinsi de dragoste, tineri si tinere se casatoresc.

Daca o tanara e fara iubit, lipsita-i de orice bucurii in adancul inimii ca salasluieste in intunericul noptii.

Poate fi ceva mai trist?

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