www.musiczone.10x.co.il Gwen Stefani - Now That You ve Got It (Feat Damian Jr.Gong Marley)( ExClusive 2xx7 ) [www.musiczone.10x.co.il] Lyrics

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LISTER un : artiste t__re Genre : Tout Electronique Pop-Rock Rap-RnB Variété Autres Commence par : A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9 #
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Langue(s) : Anglais Traduction : Traduction de Now That You Got It
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Ajouté le : 07/04/2007 à 00:09:51 Version imprimable : Afficher
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Le plus grand choix de SONNERIES !
Sonnerie Now That You Got It

Sonneries de Gwen Stefani

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Gwen Stefani Télécharger MP3
Now That You Got It

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Voir tous les t__res de Gwen Stefani

And now with the following collection of the swizzy sounds

Now that you got it, what you gonna do about it?

Now that I'm your baby, the things you promised me now I want
All the stars I was reachin' for you had in the palm of your hand
And if for just once I would let the padlock on the door be open
Well, dammit, just get on over here
This better be the best thing I ever felt
My days, they better be sunny
It better be nothing but all that I want

Now that I'm your baby, the things you promised me now I want
Now that you got it, what you gonna do about it?
Now that you got it, what you gonna do about it?
If I'm really your baby then share with me your secrets and all
Now that you got it, what you gonna do about it?
What you gonna do about it? What you gonna do about it?

I'm the raddest
Queen of them all
I could have anyone
So what I want?
Perfect, get it right, never wrong
So you gonna step it up?
Or you gonna be gone

Not like the rest (not this), nothing is typical (ain't nothing is typical)
This is not a test (no test), this is a for sure (its all gotta be a for sure)

Now that I'm your baby, the things you promised me now I want
Now that you got it, what you gonna do about it?
Now that you got it, what you gonna do about it?
If I'm really your baby then share with me your secrets and all
Now that you got it, what you gonna do about it?
What you gonna do about it? What you gonna do about it?

Yo Gwen, whatcha make'em do?

Well, I'd train him like a Marine Corps
Boot camp, make him like a superhero
(Yes Ma'am)
That always better be his response
Or I don't give a dog a bone
Show me your skeletons, let's not play games
We can be closer than sharing last names
(Gimmie my award)
The award is a purple heart, it could be yours
If you earn that medal, yeah you could be my boy

If I'm really your baby then share with me your secrets and all
Now that you got it, what you gonna do about it?
What you gonna do about it? What you gonna do about it?

See also:

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