⊙vocalist by Huici Lau A Grain of Love 小小穀子的愛 Lyrics

A grain so tiny and simple, we often disregard. 小小平凡的穀子 常常被人忽視
A grain as soundless and silent has a story to tell.  無聲無言 小榖有個動人的故事

The farmers plow the land, under the red-hot sun.  烈陽下,農夫辛苦耕耘
They sow the seed on earth, work when rain or shine.  無論晴雨,泥地中穿梭播種耕地

A grain so tiny and simple, we often disregard.  小小平凡的穀子 我們常忘記
A grain as soundless and silent speaks the words of love. 無聲無言 小榖訴說慈愛的故事

The sun shines over horizons,  陽光普照地平線上
To nurture, to nurture, to nurture, to nurture the land. 滋潤 滋潤 滋潤著大地
The moon-light, the star-y night watch over the land. 月光 星光守護大地
Seasons gone by when harvest arrives.  四季更替,豐收時至
Farmers harvest day and night, 農夫日夜忙碌收割
to bring us the grains we have tonight.  才有今晚享用的糧餐
Wow...A grain of love, sent from above. 噢!慈愛的小榖,是上天的慈愛。

A grain, so tiny and simple, we often disregard. 小小平凡的穀子, 我們常常遺忘
A grain, as soundless and silent speaks the words of Grace. 無聲無言, 訴說感恩的話語
The grains are cared by the farmers   農夫細心照料,加上天生地養,
and nurtured by heaven and earth . 這是造物主的恩典
It's the grace from the Creator.  小榖得以長成
So, cherish a grain as you cherish a life.  珍惜一粒米吧!一如珍愛生命。
Cherish all things, not just the grains.  一如你珍愛生命
Cherish a grain as you cherish a life. 惜福一切 而不僅僅是一粒米
Cherish all things, not just the grains.

A grain of love,  小小穀子的愛,
sent from above. 是上天的慈愛
A grain of love, 小小穀子的愛,
cherish with love  我們應珍愛!

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