Lyric: Hui Ci Lau Music: Hui Ci Lau 4:33 Simple Miracles 平凡的奇蹟 Lyrics

*Sleep sleep tight, * 沉睡,沉睡

under the star-y night. 在繁星靜夜。

Dream dream away to a far off place. 夢裡,邀遊無垠天際

Cradled in the arms of the silent night. 甜睡在靜夜搖籃裡

Thoughts of Heaven. 天籟盈思緒

The heart at home. 心安,只緣身在家邸。

These simple miracles一切平凡奇蹟

are sent from Heavens above. 恩賜乃天意。

It's Heaven's love上天大愛

breathing in my life. 使我得以呼吸

I'm alive, I'm alive. Miracle!* 我活著!活著!奇蹟!
Up when the sun shines its morning light. 黎明中,曙光初升,

Calling upon the world to come in sight. 喚醒大地現身,

A breathe of morning air, 吸一口晨間空氣,

A gentle glare, 披一道柔光,

Gazing through the window, 透窗凝視,

The world is near. 世界近在眼前。

Simple miracles! 平凡的奇蹟啊!

I can see with my eyes. 我可以張眼觀看!

Simple miracles! 平凡的奇蹟啊!

A smile from the gentle heart. 源自愛心的微笑。

*Simple miracles! 平凡的奇蹟啊! *

A breathe of air in me, 我可以呼吸!

I'm alive, I'm alive! Miracle!* * 我活著!活著!奇蹟!

God's Grace, Miracle! 上天的恩典,奇蹟!

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