Our Beautiful Home 美麗的家園 Lyrics

Our Beautiful Home 美麗的家園
Lyric: Hui Ci Lau Music: Ci Dian Zhang 4:38
In the garden of our sacred home, 在聖家的花園
Where the grassland and mountains dwell. 青山環抱,碧草如茵。

In the garden of our sacred homeland, 在淨土的園林,

Children walk and sing with peace and happiness. 赤子和樂穿梭,

Sings with laughter! Sings with laughter! 嬉笑歌唱!嬉笑歌唱!

Let us walk together towards our home. 讓我們攜手走向家園,

Where the blossoms and fragrance are in the air. 那百花盛開,芳香洋溢之地;

Let us come to the gate of the lighten soul. 讓我們來到光潔聖靈之門,

Where the heart is filled with light, and love, and peace. 讓心田滿佈光明、慈愛與和平,

Sings with joy! 高聲歡唱!

Everyone smiles with warmth and love. 人人展露溫馨慈愛的笑容,

Cares and shares. 互愛、互助;

And the birds sing in harmony. 鳥兒也啁啾合鳴,

There are rays of rainbows all around. 虹光遍照天際,

And star-y nights. 星光燦爛,

And the rivers flow with melody. 溪水潺潺。

Wu ... La ...  喔......啦......

Let's open the gate of the lighten soul. 讓我們打開光潔聖靈之門,

Together, we enter the garden of our home. 共進美麗家園。

See also:

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