Center for Educational Development ESLPod357 Lyrics

Describing facial expressions

Marjorie = M
Pedro = P

M: I wish I could have been there when you told the managers that you were leaving the company and starting your own business.

P: Everyone was taken aback. Dan gave me a dirty look, of course. He's always look down his nose at me. As for Saintjai, if looks could kill!

M: Saintjai? I thought if anyone would understand why you wanted to strike out on your own, he would! I honestly don't know him that well. But I thought he was a happy-go-lucky kind of guy.

P: Maybe I misread him, but he certainly wasn't grinning ear to ear. He just had a frown on his face the entire time.

M: What about Wendy? How did she react?

P: I'm not sure what to make of her reaction; she just raised her eyebrows at me. She sort of winced when I brought the news, and then she had a poker face. I really hope she's no really angry with me.

M: I think you know it, if she were angry with you. The last time she was mad at me. She was purple with rage. So... aren't you happy about your big announcement? I don't get it, why the long face?

P: I just wonder if I did the right thing by making an announcement rather than telling each manager individually. I thought it would feel good to spring it on them all at once. But now I'm doubting whether I did the right thing.

M: It's not use crying over spilt milk. Forget about the announcement and focus on your new business, you're going to be a big success.

Vocabulary /spanish//español/
- I wish I could have been there./Ojalá hubiera estado ahi./
- Everyone was taken aback./Tomó a todos por sorpresa/
- Dan gave me a dirty look./Me dió una mirada mortal./
- He's always looking down his nose at me./Me mirá siempre por sobre su hombro./
- if looks could kill!/Si las miradas mataran./
- to strike out on your own./empezar tu propio negocio/-/independizarte/
- happy-go-lucky kind of guy /un tipo con muy buena onda/
- Maybe I misread him. /quizás lo malinterpreté/
- wasn't grinning ear to ear /no sonreía de oreja a oreja/
- He just had frawn on his face /solo frunció el ceño/
- I'm not sure what to make of her reaction /no estoy seguro como interpretar su reacción/
- He just raised her eyebrows. /solo levantó las cejas/
- She sort of winced /como que se sorprendió/
- she had a poker face /puso cara de nada/ /se hizo la sota/
- She was purple with rage /se puso colorada de rabia/
- I thought it would feel good to spring it on them all at once. /Pensé que sería bueno sorprenderlos a todos./
- It's not use crying over spilt milk. /no vale la pena llorar por la leche derramada./

See also:

Aaron Tippon Where the Eagle Flies Lyrics
saria pista Lyrics