The Vestibules Bulbous Bouffant Lyrics

1 Hi
2 Hello
1 Are you waiting for the bus?
2 Uh, yes I am, actually.
1 Hm...I notice you are not wearing any... goloshes.
2 Um, no I'm not.. It's, uh, sunny out. Uh, no need for golashes.
1 I'm wearing... goloshes.
2 Hm...
1 Goloshes.
2 uh huh.
1 Did you read the paper today?
2 Uh, no I didn't have the chance.
1 Did you read the thing about the Eskimos?
2 No.
1 Well, the article was saying that the Eskimos will eat the fat from the whale.
2 Oh, yeah.
1 Do you know what that's called?
2 Uh, no, I don't.
1 Blubber.
2 Ah, right.
1 Blubber!
2 Yeah... Blubber.
1 That's what it's called.
2 mm-hmm.
1 Blubber.
2 Right.
1 The Eskimos eat the blubber.
2 uh huh.
1 And the Blubber will come from different kinds of whales, you know.
2 Oh, yeah.
1 Sometimes it will come from a... Baluga whale!
2 uh huh.
1 Baloooga!
2 Right.
1 heh heh... They don't wear... goloshes.
2 Who? The whales?
1 No! The Eskimos.
2 Oh, no, that's right, they don't.
1 They wear Mocklocks!
2 Ah hah!
1 Mocklocks!
2 That's right... Mocklocks...
1 Mooockloooocks.
2 Yeah, mocklocks.
1 Say it again.
2 Mocklock
1 Say it louder.
1 Good, eh?
2 Yeah, it is a good one. I didn't wanna say it, but I like it.
1 Say say say Goloshes.
2 Goloshes.
1 It's good, eh?
2 Yeah, it's good.
1 Goloshes!
1 Balooga!
2 Balooga!
1 Blubberblubberblubber/2 Blubber/1 Mocklock/2 blubber...
3 Uh... Excuse me? Sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt whatever it was you were doing there.
2 Uh. It's ok.
3 ok. I just wanted to know if this is where the bus stops.
2 Yeah! Yeah. It should be here any minute, actually.
3 Oh, I see. Sorry to disturb you.
2 It's ok. We were just, uh, ...
1 Sir?
3 Yes?
1 Psssst!
3 Yeah?
1 Look over there.
3 Across the street?
1 Yeah! Yeah. Yeah.
3 mm-hmm?
1 See that lady?
3 Yes?
1 What kind of hairstyle does she have?
3 Uh... that looks like a Bouffant.
1 Yes! A Bouffant.
3 Yes. A Bouffant.
2 Uh. Actually, I couldn't help, uh, noticing that myself. It's sort of what you might call a... Bulbous Bouffant.
3 Yes. A bulbous Bouffant.
1 Bulbous Bouffant.
3 Bouffant.
1 Blubber!
2 Golashes!
1 Mocklocks.
Bulbous Bouffant.
1 Mocklockmocklock
3 hmm. Macadamia.
1&2 OH!!!
3 Macadamia.
1 Gazeeboh!
2 Bulbous Bouffant!
3 Macadamia
1 Gazeeboooh!
2 Bulbous Bouffant.
3 Macadamia

... good luck with this part... heh heh...


2 ah! Here comes the bus...
3 Oh, yeah.
1 Good.

See also:

06.Tala tala Lyrics
I Touch myself- Genitorturers Lyrics