TAPPY Metal Gear Solid Lyrics

An cuimhin leat an grá
Crá croí an ghrá
Níl anois ach ceol na h-oíche
Táim sioraí i ngrá
Leannáin le smál
Leannáin le smál
Lig leis agus beidh leat
Lig leis agus beidh grá

Cuimhne leat an t-am
Nuair a bhí tú sásta
An cuimhne leat an t-am
Nuair a bhí tú ag gáire

Tá an saol iontach
Má chreideann tú ann
Tug aghaidi ar an saol is sonas sioraí inár measc

Céard a tharla do na laethanta sin
Céard a tharla do na h-oícheanta sin
An cuimhin leat an t-am
Nuair a bhí tú faol bhrón

An cuimhin leat an t-am
Go sioraí sileadh na ndeor an ormsa nó orainne a bhí an locht

Ag mothú caiite s'ar fán
Cén fáth an t-achrann is sileadh na ndeor
Tá áilleacht sa saol
Má chuardaíonn tú e
Tá gliondar sa saol
Cuardaimís e


Do you remember the time
when little things made you happy?
Do you remember the time
when simple things made you smile
Life can be wonderful
if you let it be
Life can be simple
if you try

Whatever happened to those days?
Whatever happened to those nights?
Do you remember the time
when little things made you sad?
Do you remember the time
when simple things made you cry?

Is it just me
is it just us?
Feeling lost in this world?
Why do we have to hurt each other?
Why do we have to shed tears?
Life can be beautiful
if you try
Life can be joyful
if we try
Tell me
I'm not alone
Tell me
We are not alone in this world
fighting against the wind
Do you remember the time
when simple things made you happy?
Do you remember the time
when little things made you laugh?

You know
life can be simple
You know
life is simple
the best thing in life is yte to come
the best is yet to come

See also:

Lulu Santos 02 - Condição Lyrics
Fifty Cent I Get Money Lyrics