Tom Booth Cry the Gospel Lyrics

1. You are the light of the world,
you are the light of the world.
Shine for all to see,
so in the Father they'll believe.
You are the Light of the world.
2. You are the salt of the earth,
you are the salt of the earth,
bringing mercy and peace
to every person that you meet.
You are the salt of the earth.
(Say not that you are too young.)
We are holy we are strong!(With purity and love and faith,)
Proclaiming Christ today!
be holy. The Lord be glorified!
Be holy, cry the gospel with your life!
Standing at the gateway of our faith,
on the rock of Peter and the saints,
with the Holy Spirit showing us the way
to be holy, and cry the gospel,
cry the gospel with your life!
3. Lord, we come to do your will.
Yes, Lord, we come to do your will.
Not only in our words,
but in our living it is heard:
Lord, we come to do your will.

See also:

José Luis Rodríguez Una Golondrina No Hace Verano Lyrics
Brian Hyland Warmed Over Kisses Lyrics