Peyton Pod cast Comp version 2 Lyrics

Hey everyone. It's me Peyton. All right, so I went to a Masquerade Party this week and as a result, here's what I got on the brain: disco. Yeah you heard me - polyester-wearing, Bee Gees-singin', mirror ball turnin' disco. Go ahead, just roll your eyes, snicker your little snicker, whatever - get it out of the way, I'll sit here and wait. Okay, you with me now? All right, good. Let's talk about disco. Okay, not cool, right? Musically artificial?

Here's the thing folks: Disco wasn't designed to be cool. It was designed to just be liberating. Trust me, I looked it up - I mean come on, what better symbol of social harmony than a cowboy, a cop, a Native-American, a biker and a construction worker - all groovin' it out together. Of course, then people started making money off of it and it kind of went to c___. I mean, have you ever seen that disco movie with the village people and that guy who won the Olympic decathlon? Some serious cinema guys - pretty awesome.

Anyway, I'm not the kind of girl you'd think would embrace disco, I mean my friend Brooke's always telling me that my music makes her depressed. That it's sad, a downer. Her exact words at this beach party we recently had were, "Please play something that doesn't make me wanna shoot up and die." Of course I was playing, "Bela Lugosi's Dead" by Bauhaus at the time, so she kind of had a point but, the thing is, I don't - I don't think of my music as depressing - it's the opposite really, you know? It comforts me, tells me that it's okay to feel sad or scared or alone. And that I'm not alone in how I feel, and that's a part of being alive. It's like a rainy day, you know, a rainy day makes most people sad, okay? You're stuck inside, it's all gloomy, no sunny walk in the park going on but, I have to say, I love a rainy day. It's just an excuse to stay inside and drink hot cholocate, hang out in my room or read a book or just have a day to be alone. I don't wanna go on a walk in the park anyway. I don't know what that says about me, just because I find comfort, silence and a little sadness.I don't - I don't think that makes me a morose person, I'm just more comfortable in that place. I don't know, maybe I'm kidding myself. But I know lots of other people that can appreciate the darker side, you know, like... Darth Vader or... oh, Trent Reznor, or like you know, there's tons of other fun characters... or maybe Lucas. He's um - he's a friend of mine, I mean, we used to have this kind of messy, um, thing... but then - Okay, note-to-self, edit this part out.

Anyway, Lucas is like a lot of high school boys. He tries to be confident, comfortable in his skin but inside, he's just trying to fit in, and find his place just like the rest of us, you know? You wouldn't think of him as a sad person, just kind of... searching. But once, we were, you know, in my car and this song "Joey" by Concrete Blonde came on and it's this really sad, sad song but Lucas and I sang it at the top of our lungs like it was the happiest thing you've ever heard, you know, and I thought that was pretty a cool, that a boy could just sing like that and not worry about looking cool or whatever... just gave himself over to the music.

And that brings us full circle to disco, doesn't it? Giving in to the music and rejoicing in the face of whatever pains you, because I promise you... we were both happy in that moment... 100%. So sometimes I think - I don't know who I'd be without my angry, growly rock and my dark drawings. I don't know who I'd be if I just let all that go. Would I still be me? Or would I be a better me? Would I be Brooke? I don't know. Sometimes I wonder if I could just put it all down, you know, like all that sadness and anger... just put it down like putting a book back on a shelf when you're finished with it. I mean, I've been struggling for so long now, it's almost like I'd be embarrassed if I suddenly just stopped. I'd be embarrassed to go around looking happy, but when I think about disco, and the people who embraced it and how some of them had it really tough... and still they were happy... at least in the music and on the dance floor, letting it all go to a baseline and a good beat.

So I don't know, maybe I'll give it a shot. Throw on another 12" single, stand in front of my mirror and lose myself in the music. Or maybe, find myself there. You should try it. You know, next time you have a tough day, find a great song whether it's disco or hip-hop or punk or whatever, you know, just turn up your stereo to 11 and just dance, and if you have to, keep dancing 'til you lose yourself or you find yourself again.

See also:

POD311 Lyrics
Nilsson A thousand miles Lyrics