40.Dara Bubamara-Zidovi-DPK Lyrics

Ovi Zidovi

Vrata sam otvorila
I opened the door
tamo te je ona ljubila
And I saw her kissing you
stajala sam, gledala
I stand there and watch
pevala je tuga
The sadness sing

Nisi se ni pokrio
You didn't even hyde yourself
samo si mi hladno rekao
Only said me coldly
s'mesta odlazi
Go away immediately
kome to pretis, pazi
Be careful how you're talking to me

Ovi zidovi duse imaju
Those walls have soul
vise nego ti
But you don't
soba stidi se i ona kaje se
The room is ashamed and repent
a tebe je zar ne, bas briga
But you don't care, do you?

Sta je tebi zena ta
What's that woman for
nekako sam te upitala
Somehow I did ask you
rekao si sve mi je
And you said she's all for you
pevala je tuga
Sing the sadness

Nisi se ni pokrio
You didn't even hyde yourself
samo si mi hladno rekao
Only said me coldly
s'mesta odlazi
Go away immediately
kome to pretis, pazi
Be careful how you're talking to me

See also:

Norah jones Come Away With Me (Full Album) Lyrics
Satin Dolls Maybe Lyrics