Anna Netrebko Quando Me'n Vo Lyrics

Quando me'n vò
Quando me'n vò soletta per la via,
La gente sosta e mira
E la bellezza mia tutta ricerca in me,
ricerca in me
Da capo a pie' ...

Ed a__aporo allor la bramosia
sottil che da gl'occhi traspira
e dai palesi vezzi intender sa
Alle occulte beltà.
Cosi l'effluvio del desio tutta m'aggira,
felice mi fa, felice me fa!
E tu che sai, che memori e ti struggi
Da me tanto rifuggi?

So ben:
le angoscie tue non le vuoi dir,
non le vuoi dir so ben
Ma ti senti morir!

When I walk
When I walk alone in the street
People stop and stare at me
And everyone looks at my beauty,
Looks at me,
From head to foot...

And then I relish the sly yearning
which escapes from their eyes
and which is able to perceive
my most hidden beauties.
Thus the scent of desire is all around me,
and it makes me happy, makes me happy!

And you who know, who remember and yearn
you shrink from me?

I know it very well:
you don't want to express your anguish,
but you feel as if you're dying!

See also:

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