Malaysia Prajurit Tanah Air Lyrics

(Original songs)
Inilah barisan kita,
Yang ikhlas berjuang.
Siap sedia berkorban,
Untuk ibu pertiwi!

Sebelum kita berjaya,
Jangan harap kami pulang!

Inilah sumpah pendekar kita,
Menuju medan bakti!

Andai kata kami gugur semua,
Taburlah bunga di atas pusara.
Kami mohon doa,

Malaysia berjaya!
Semboyan telah berbunyi,
Menuju medan bakti!


(English translations)
These are our lines and ranks
Who fight sincerely
We are prepared to sacrifice our lives
For our motherland!
Lest we succeed
Don't even hope for our return!
This be the oath of our warriors,
As we march onwards to the battlefield!
Should we all perish,
Scatter then flowers on our graves.
We pray
For Malaysia to succeed!
The bugle has sounded,
As we march onwards, to the battlefield!

See also:

Leonα Lewis Bleeding Love Lyrics
Los Amantes de Lola Cruz del Tiempo Lyrics