The Heartburns Something More Than This Lyrics

For how long have I been waiting,
sitting here & masturbating,
waiting for something to happen,
but nothing f___in' happened,
maybe never will happen,
is this all life can give to me,
pain heartache & misery,
every time myphone rings I'm scared,
"what bad news this time, man , who's f___ing dead?",

tried to change my ways of thingkin,
just to keep my boat from sinking,
quit drinking and stay off the drugs,
but after three days said "this f___in' sucks",
got 26 f___ed up years behind me,
and some day that reaper-guy, he will find me,
but before he gets me I wish,
to see something more,
something more than this,

'cos I'm lost in the dark,
with a spike through my heart,
with nobody to love,
you know I got nowhere to go,

I'm lost in the dark,
my life's shattered apart,
yeah it stinks just like a fart,
it's been f___ed up from the start,
from the very start.

See also:

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