pumpkins Lyrics

I have found a short video for you to watch. But first, I will explain what the video is about, and some of the words that are used in it.
The video is about John. His hobby is growing pumpkins (in a secret location in the South of England!). He is trying to grow giant pumpkins for an annual pumpkin festival (the Jubilee Sailing Trust's Annual Pumpkin Festival.) His largest pumpkin weighs 80-90 lb (NOTE : We use the abbreviation lb to mean a pound weight. A pound is about half a kilo). Last year however the winning pumpkin weighed 819 lb, and for a fortnight it was the largest pumpkin ever grown in Britain. Why are John's pumpkins not big enough? He feeds them, he talks to them and plays music to them, but they are just not up to it (ie they are just not good enough). The big pumpkins are all water, but some of the smaller ones are really tasty with a nutty flavour. In the greenhouse John shows us his Turks Turban pumpkins. He says that you can eat them, or varnish them and use them at home as doorstops! John says that, when the pumpkin festival is over, he feels that he never wants to see another pumpkin. But they are so fascinating and delicious that within a few weeks he knows that he will be cooking pumpkins or planning for next year's crop.

See also:

Westlife I Miss You Lyrics
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