Johann Sebastian Bach Evang, Ancilla, Servus, Petrus, Jesus: Derselbige Jünger war Lyrics

Derselbige Jünger war dem Hohenpriester bekannt und ging mit Jesu hinein in des Hohenpriesters Palast. Petrus aber stund draußen für der Tür. Da ging der andere Jünger, der dem Hohenpriester bekannt war, hinaus und redete mit der Türhüterin und führete Petrum hinein. Da sprach die Magd, die Türhüterin, zu Petro:

Bist du nicht dieses Menschen Jünger einer?

Er sprach:

(Petrus I)
Ich bin's nicht.

Es stunden aber die Knechte und Diener und hatten ein Kohlfeu'r gemacht (denn es war kalt) und wärmeten sich. Petrus aber stund bei ihnen und wärmete sich. Aber der Hohepriester fragte Jesum um seine Jünger und um seine Lehre. Jesus antwortete ihm:

Ich habe frei, öffentlich geredet für der Welt. Ich habe allezeit gelehret in der Schule und in dem Tempel, da alle Jüden zusammenkommen, und habe nichts im Verborgnen geredt. Was fragest du mich darum? Frage die darum, die gehöret haben, was ich zu ihnen geredet habe! Siehe, dieselbigen wissen, was ich gesaget habe.

Als er aber solches redete, gab der Diener einer, die dabeistunden, Jesu einen Backenstreich und sprach:

Solltest du dem Hohenpriester also antworten?

Jesus aber antwortete:

Hab ich übel geredt, so beweise es, dass es böse sei, hab ich aber recht geredt, was schlägest du mich?

This same disciple was acquainted with the high priest and went with Jesus within, to the palace of the high priest. Peter, though, stood outside before the door. Then came the other disciple, who was acquainted with the high priest, outside and spake with the woman guarding the door, and led Peter inside. Then said the maid who guarded the door to Peter:

Art thou not also one of his disciples?

He said:

I am not.

And there the soldiers and servants were standing, who had made a fire out of charcoal (for it was cold), and were warming themselves. Peter, too, was standing with them and warming himself. But the high priest put forth questions to Jesus about his disciples and about his teaching. Jesus answering him said:

Before the world I have spoken openly and freely before the world. And in the synagogue and in the temple have I always been teaching, where all the Jews come together, and I have nought spoken in secret. Why dost thou ask me about this? Question those about this who have already heard what I have spoken to them. See, these people know what I have said.

But when he had spoken thus, one of the attendants who stood nearby struck Jesus with a slap of his hand and said:

Shalt thou answer the high priest thus?

Jesus, though, thus replied to him:


If I have spoken ill, then bear witness to the ill therein, but if I have told the truth, why strikest thou me?

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