Juan Darienzo y Echague el hipo Lyrics

A las nueve menos cuarto"
fue su ultima palabra:
se imaginan lo contento,
¡esa noche ni dormí!
Era martes, martes 13,
pero eso que importaba
si a las nueve menos cuarto
como fierro estaba alli.

"At a quarter to nine in the evening"
was the final thing she told me:
imagine how happy I was,
that night I couldn't lie still!
It was Friday, Friday the 13th-
but what did the details matter,
if at a quarter to nine in the evening
I'd be there with an iron will.

Ella dijo Clavelina,
yo le dije Nepomuceno;
yo sentia las trompadas
que me daba el corazón...
Cuando dijo "caminamos"
yo le dije "caminemos,"
y justito al declararme
este hipo me chapó:

She'd said to me, "Clavelina";
I'd told her, "Nepomuceno";
I could feel the heavy thumping
going off within my breast...
When she said, "We've walked awhile,"
I told her, "Let's keep walking,"
and just when I got to talking
this hiccup took over my chest:

"Uste sabe que la quiero, (HIPO)
que la quiero con el alma,
que es muy grande este cariño
que me rompe el corazón, (HIPO)
que mis noches son muy largas
que no tengo ni el consuelo
de mirarme en sus ojazos
y contarle mi pasión. (HIPO)

"Sweetheart, you know that I love you, (HIC)
that I love you with all my soul,
that I've got this enormous affection,
that it's breaking my heart in two, (HIC)
that my nights, they go on forever,
that I don't even have the comfort
of looking in your great big eyes
and confessing my passion to you. (HIC)

Yo quisiera ser vereda
para sentir sus pasitos,
y la brisa que acaricia
su cuerpito virginal. (HIPO)"
Ella me miro sonriente
y en tono de cachada (HIPO)
me largo la carcajada
y se fue sin saludar.

I wish I could be the pavement
your little footsteps walk on,
and be the breeze that caresses
your little virgin body. (HIC)"
With a smile she looked me over,
and as mockery lifted her eyes, (HIC)
she loosed a great laugh in my face
and left without a goodbye.

Todavia no me explico
que pasó en aquella noche,
tan seguro que yo iba
de ganar su corazón,
por la culpa de este hipo
que salio no se de donde
cuando más necesitaba
las palabras del amor. (HIPO)

I still can't get to the bottom
of exactly what happened that night
that all sure of myself I went out
to win the girl's heart over,
thanks to this sudden hiccup
that came out of God knows where
when I'd never been more in need
of tender words of love. (HIC)

Unos dicen que este hipo
es herencia de mi abuela,
por historico motivo;
yo lo unico que se
es que por el hipo maldito
me quede sin Clavelina, (HIPO)
y estoy todo quemado
del verano que pasé.

See also:

Herlin P You Rise Me Up Lyrics
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