116 Clique Gospel Music - Romans feat. shai linne Lyrics

I'm not ashamed of the gospel y'all/
It's the power of God that can save us all/
In the Gospel the righteousness of God revealed/
And who lives by faith, the righteous will

Verse 1:
Awake from your slumber, rise-A letter from the wise/
The Book of Romans-the Christian faith summarized/
By Paul, a bondservant of Christ Jesus/
Called to be an Apostle, set apart for the Gospel/
Chapter 1:16-17 is the thesis/
Because our sins are colossal, hearts harder than fossils/
That's everybody's plight; can't solve it-goodnight/
How do sinners get right in a Holy God's sight/
Amazing is the answer see, Romans states it candidly/
The first three chapters-God's case against humanity/
Whether it is idolatry, or religious hypocrisy/
No one can possibly see the charges and say "It's not for me"/
Everybody's guilty, everybody's filthy/
Before God on judgment day is where everybody will be/
But those who believe that Jesus suffered and died/
"It feels so good to be justified".


Verse 2:
At the cross the wrath of God was spent out on Jesus/
On behalf of all who repent and believe this/
We receive His perfect righteousness/
In exchange, believers cursed lives are His/
Behold the blessedness for Earth's cold residents/
Chapter 4-Paul defends it from the Old Testament/
Up to this point, we saw the need for Justification/
In Chapter 5 and following, we see its implications/
In service and purity, we yearn for maturity/
Empowered by Christ, who gives eternal security/
Slowly and surely, He removes every vice/
Raised to newness of life through our union with Christ/
But Chapter 7 finds us struggling with sin/
It's bugging us within but He loves us 'til the end/
Even with complications through sin's occupation/
For God's consecrated there's no condemnation/
The Holy Spirit inside He comforts like no other/
He convinces us we're God's children even when we suffer/
Nothing in Creation could ever separate us/
From the love of God in Christ Jesus who saved us/
In Chapter 9 we see God is Sovereign in His mercy/
His dealings with Israel shows He's working out His purposes/
By the end of 11 it's Jew and Gentile together/
United in Christ to His glory forever!


Verse 3:
So in view of God's mercies/
We remove our worldly uniforms and throw on crucified jerseys/
Holy and acceptable, ruled by the Divine/
Being transformed by renewal of the mind/
Yeshua's design-obedience to the Scriptures/
With love as the key ingredient in the mixture/
The godly man's picture under the new covenant/
Mindful of god we submit to the government/
Not passing judgment on weaker brothers/
Instead we spread love to them to keep them from stumbling/
When we do this, God will truly then smile/
As Christ is glorified through Jew and Gentile/
And the God of peace at His judgment seat/
Will soon crush Satan under our feet/
Now this is just an overview-go and read Romans through/
And I pray the God of Romans will grab hold of you.

See also:

Death Born Death Lyrics