Clutch The Soapmakers Lyrics

Behind the Cliffside Inn
Heard a fiddle and a mandolin
keeping rhythm on an old washboard
and stomping on the floor
Saw people of all sorts
dancing 'round in twos and fours,
caroling about days of old,
and what the future holds

In the meadow was a big cauldron
that they were stirring, stirring,
and there were trees around
that they kept burning, burning
I asked a toothless man
Who all these people were,
and he said, "The soapmakers,
and we are working, working."

As they stirred Heaven and Earth, they combined to one,
and everything was everyone and each one was all
As they stirred I heard a trumpet call,
and everything was everyone and each one was all

See also:

Jorge Vercilo Encontro das Águas Lyrics
No Te Va Gustar Reevolucion Lyrics