Gotan Project Arrabal Lyrics

-- Arrabal --

El negro bebió
Bailando candombe
Lágrimas de su tambor

Pociones de amor
Volcó en mi guitarra
La luz de su redención

Esos cueros llevan sueños
Al otro lado del mar
Y un viento de arrabal

La noche silbó
Su antigua milonga
Y en mi país se oyó

Esos cueros llevan sueños
Al otro lado del mar
Y un viento de arrabal

-- Ghetto --

The black drunk
Dancing candombe
Tears from his great drum

Love potions
Poured in my guitar
The light of its final redemption

Those leathers carry dreams
To the other side of the sea
And a wind from the ghetto

The night whistled
Its old milonga
And in my country it was heard

Those leathers carry dreams
To the other side of the sea
And a wind from the ghetto

* Candombe. Drum-based musical style of Uruguay. Candombe originated among the Afro-Uruguayan population of Montevideo and is based on Bantu African drumming with some European influence and touches of Tango.

* Milonga.
1. Musical composition in the argetinian folklore of sad rythm and nostalgic tone, that is played with guitar.
2. f. Coplet which accompanies it.
3. f. Argentinian musical composition of up beat and marked in time two by four, related to tango.
4. f. Chant which accompanies it.
5. f. Argentinian dance.
6. Lie, cheat.

See also:

Maria Bethania Cheiro De Amor Lyrics