starogradski biseri krece se ladja francuska Lyrics

More je plavo, široko, (The sea is blue and wide)
Široko, plavo, duboko. (Wide, blue and deep)
Nigde mu kraja videti, (It's end nowhere to be seen)
Ne mogu misli podneti. (Thoughts I cannot bear)

Lađa se kreće francuska, (The French boat is moving)
Sa pristanista solunska, (From the Solun docks)
Transport se kreće Srbadi, (Transport of Serbs is moving)
Srbadi, braća ranjeni. (Serbs, brothers, wounded)

Svaki se vojnik borio, (Every soldier fought)
U rovu slavu slavio, (Praised his Patron Saint in the trench)
Srećan se Bogu molio, (He prayed to God, happy)
Da bi se kući vratio. (So he would return home)

Radosti nema ni za tren, (Not for a moment there's cheer)
Naiđe švapski sumaren, (A German sub comes near)
Svi mole svetog Nikolu, (All pray to St. Nikola)
Njegovu silu na moru. (And his force at sea)

Putujem tužan, žalostan, (I travel sad, mourning)
Pomislih: Bože, nisam sam, (I think:"God, i'm not alone")
I moja braća putuju, (My brothers travel as well)
Da sa mnom zajedno tuguju. (To grief together with me)

See also:

Serap Sapaz Serap Sapaz - Çok Tatlısın Lyrics
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