Eternal Dementia Set Out to Die Lyrics

I crept out of the carcass
Of my mother who died giving birth
For this did father loathe me
Deep hatred all he showed me;
I was deformed and stole his True Love away

Grotesquely malformed
Contradicting the christian norm
Demonized by my own blood
I was not meant to be

My father still clutching
The corpse of whom he adored
With a voice as cold as the grave
He uttered this to his Lord:

"Forgive me Father, for this sin
But this child is surely Satan's kin"
Thus he justified himself
This humble man of god...

Without remorse he took me out
Beneath the midnight sky
Deep into the forest
I was left to die

The treacherous trees of ages lost
Now scarred by time and starred with frost
At their feet a child was set
Weeping from the cold

Frostbite keeping me awake
Was i to die for god's own sake
A sacrifice to satisfy his omnipotent needs?

Set out to die for being different
That's the harsh reality
Of religious insanity
(And blind loyalty To their f___ing god...)

(The shining moon and endless stars
Whose radiance fades as eyes are scarred
By Winter's cold claws, my vision is blurred
For long have I endured...)

I cry
Too young to comprehend

I die
Of this hypocrithermia

And as my breath expires
At last I shall find peace
I leave this world of tyranny
Religion its disease

People think their Lord is Love
With false beliefs they're fed
For by the hand of their "just God"
Another child is dead

See also:

דני סנדרסון חיים שקטים Lyrics
דני סנדרסון מהשתיל הזה Lyrics