Nevada Tan So wie du Lyrics


Den ganzen Tag zählst du meine Fehler auf,
und weißt du was,
langsam scheiß ich drauf,
denn ich will nicht so werden,wie du...
Check das ma und quatsch nicht so klug,
misch dich nicht in mein Leben ein,

Sag mir mal,wie isn deins so?
Mitte vierzig und geschieden,
Mum zu betrügen war die Spitze des Gipfels,
ich hasse deine Lügen und jetzt kommst du zu mir,
durch meine Tür und willst mir erklärn,
wie ich mein Leben führ.


Will ich entscheiden,was gut für mich ist...
Will ich beweisen,dass man mich nicht vergisst,
Werd ich dir zeigen,wie stark ich sein kann,
Werd ich es schaffen,und denk daran!

So wie du,
der sich bei Stress auf der Stelle verpisst
So wie du,
dem nichts im Leben wirklich wichtig ist
So wie du,
dem's egal ist,wen's erwischt,
So wie du,
ich möchte niemals so werden,niemals so werden,
wie du...

Du stehst wieder vor mir,und blickst auf mich herab,
und sagst mir dann,was ich für Fehler gemacht hab,
es ist genauso wie früher,
du bist kein bisschen klüger,
und wieder glaubst du,dass ich dir zuhör,
doch tut mir leid,für den Scheiß hab ich keine Zeit,
wo warst du bei meiner Geburt,
und wo warst du bei meinem ersten Wort,
in deiner Firma?!
Und dann hast du deine Sekretärin geschwängert,
und du willst mir erklären,
wie ich mein Leben führ!


Ein letztes Mal,steh ich vor dir,
du siehst mich nicht,nichts hält mich hier,
Ich dreh mich um,geh meinen Weg,
hoff du verstehst,denn mehr als hoffen werd ich nicht...



Nevada Tan - Just Like You

The whole day you're counting my errors
And you know what, I'm beginning to give a s___
Because I don't want to become like you
Check it out
And don't talk so intelligent
Don't mess up my life
Tell me how is yours?
Mid 40's and divorced
To cheat on mum has topped it all
I hate your lies
And now you turn to me
Through my door and you want to tell me
How I live my life

Alone, I want to decide what's good for me
Alone, I want to prove, of how not to forget about me

Alone, I will prove how strong I can be
Alone, I can make it and don't forget:

Just like you
Who p___es off if there's trouble in store
Just like you
Who doesn't really have a meaning in life
Just like you
Who doesn't care, who gets caught
Just like you
I never want to become, never want to become like you

There you, are looking down at me
And then telling me what errors I made
It's like in old days
You're not at all wiser
And there again, you think I'll listen to you
But sorry I don't have time for this s___
Where have you been when I was born and
Where were you when I said my first word?
In your company
And then you got your secretary pregnant
And now you want to tell me how to live my life!

Alone, I want to decide what's good for me
Alone, I want to prove, of how not to forget about me

Alone, I will prove how strong I can be
Alone, I can make it and don't forget:

Just like you
Who p___es off if there's trouble in store
Just like you
Who doesn't really have a meaning in life
Just like you
Who doesn't care, who gets caught
Just like you
I never want to become, never want to become like you

For the last time
I'm standing in front of you
You don't see me
Nothing keeps me here
I turn around
And make MY way
I hope you understand
I won't do more than hope

Alone, I want to decide what's good for me
Alone, I want to prove, of how not to forget about me

Alone, I will prove how strong I can be
Alone, I can make it and don't forget:

Just like you
Who p___es off if there's trouble in store
Just like you
Who doesn't really have a meaning in life
Just like you
Who doesn't care, who gets caught
Just like you
I never want to become, never want to become like you


Nevada Tan - Asa Ca Tine


Toata ziua imi numeri greselile
si stii ceva?
deja ma enervez
pentru ca nu vreau sa devin ca tine
Intelege si nu mai fa pe desteptul
nu te mai amesteca in viata mea...

Zi-mi viata ta c__ e?
patruzeci si ceva de ani si divortat
cand ai inselat-o pe mama ai intrecut masura,
iti urasc minciunile,iar acum tu vi la mien,
la usa mea si vrei sa imi explici
c__ sa imi duc viatza?

vreau sa hotarasc ceea ce e bine pentru mine
Vreau sa iti dovedesc ca nu ma va uita
o sa iti dovedesc cat d puternic sunt
o sa reusesc la asta ma gandesc

asa ca tine
care la probleme pleaca
asa ca tine
pentru care viatza nu e buna la nimic
asa ca tine
nu iti pasa pe cine il prinde
asa ca tine
nu vreau niciodatasa fiu,niciodata sa devin
ca tine

stai in fata mea si iti ridici privirea spre mine
imi spui apoi ce greseli am facut
e la fel ca inainte
nu esti cu nimic mai destept
si din nou crezi ca eu te ascult
dar imi pare rau,pantru rahatu atsa nu am timp
unde ai fost la nasterea mea
si la primul meu cuvant
in firma ta?
apoi ai insarcinat-o pe secretara
si tu vrei sa imi spui
c__ sa imi conduc viatza?


pentru ultima data stau in fata ta
nu ma mai vezi,nimic nu ma mai tine aici
ma intorc,merg pe drumul meu
sper ca inatelegi maï mult decat sa sper nu po

See also:

E-rotic Gimme gimme gimme Lyrics
Ja Rule Feat. Ashanti & R. Kelly Wonderful Lyrics